TIME TRAVELER Shares Video From Las Vegas 2120?! | What’s Trending Now!

A man claiming to be a time traveler shares footage he says is from Las Vegas in the year 2120. You’re watching What’s Trending, I’m Martine Beerman make sure to subscribe for more trending news stories from the future. The time travelers name is Noah, and he first showed up on the channel Paranormal Elite in November 2017 claiming that time travel is already possible but is being withheld by shadowy organizations. Video: “The ability to time travel is not planned to be released to the public until 2028. Sorry, just give me a minute.

My natural year is 2021, this is the time period in which I spend most of my life.” That original video, as you would expect was met with plenty of skepticism. And he didn’t offer any proof, he was just like “Hey guys, I’m from the future!” In a follow-up video, on the channel ApexTV, Noah took a lie detector test in an attempt to give his claim some credibility. Video: “Uh let’s just start off with the basics and uh we’ll see what the lie detector says.

First off, are you an actual time traveler from the year 2030? Yeah.” He said that Donald Trump would win re-election in 2020 and that global climate change isn’t such a big deal in the future. ApexTV is going to some really serious lengths to make Noah seem credible, but if time travel is real, wouldn’t it be just like, really easy to prove? If Noah can bounce around from time period to time period, then why just not go into the future, and come back with some sweet lottery numbers? He could’ve told us 3-weeks ago that a Thai soccer team was gonna get trapped in a cave, but that they’d all get out okay. It would’ve saved me some very serious nail-gnawing. But he claims he can’t do those things because of paradoxes. What paradox would prevent you from going back in time and betting on the Eagles to win the Super Bowl? Maybe he is talking about a literal pair of doctors who are holding him, hostage, right now.

Anyway, that brings us to the latest video from ApexTV where Noah claims to have a video on his phone from the year 2120. Video: “I went back recently and a bunch of other time periods and I was able to record a video from the future. Today I will show you guys this video.” Dude, Noah, there’s no need to yell, we’re going to be listening to you. In the most recent video, he said he made stops in 2060 and 2120 but then when he returned to 203, he was labeled as a trader for having shown the world all this information about time travel.

Video: “There’s no laws pertaining to time travelers basically saying everything. So I was let off but they made a law right after me. Which makes me basically doing something illegal right now.” He also says in the video that he’s ripped pages from future library books that would show that time travel is real. Except they’re like, lost at his house right now, cause you know, like, clutter and stuff. Pfttt, I totally get it, Noah, it’s like, you’ve got some really important tax documents or some paperwork that proves that you’re an inter-dimensional time traveler and you’re like “I must’ve thrown those out with the rest of my junk mail.” Also, library books, Noah? I’m pretty sure that in the future as sad as it may sound, library books probably won’t exist anymore, because all you have to do is look at an infinite holding a magazine and watching them try to swipe the picture right to know that, huh, books may soon become a thing of the past, not the future.

So, after about 10 minutes of talking about the government maintaining control of time travel technology, and how he’s actually 70 years old but looks 26, he finally reveals the long-awaited footage. And we’re gonna show it to you right now. I give you, Las Vegas 2120. Video: “As you can see, there are three vehicles in this video.” Guess the future is a bunch of flash animated rocket ships just cruising around, three spaceships to be exact in what looks to be a highly populated area. He also says the red clouds are due to global warming which makes it even hotter than usual in Las Vegas, Nevada. Except, wait a minute, didn’t he previously say that climate change was not a big deal? Nevermind, the point is that Las Vegas in the future is a literal cartoon.

Video: “We’re through the looking glass here, people.” Why is no one else freaking out about that more? Despite the bounty of rock hard evidence, some commenters are still doubting Noah’s claims. Hello Corp says “He brings us all evidence and its just a 10-second clip recording of a still mounted camera footage. Doesn’t look around or doesn’t go for a walk into town. As long as all the dumb fks keep spewing money at Apex TV, I highly doubt that they will give up on this charade.” HashySlash says, “If I was a time traveler, I wouldn’t be rocking a 100-year-old phone in my pocket. Just saying.” Vintage devices are always cool, like my phone here that’s about 12-years-old, or a tomogachi. What evidence would you need from Noah to prove that he’s actually from the future? Let us know in the comments and for more trends, head to whatstrending.com

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